| (800)382-9666 | (941)966-9387
BEACHFRONT Guest Comments

Nov 2020

Nov, 2020

Hi Rod,

My client had the best time.

herewith the feedback I received from my client! 😊

I would also like to let you know how much we appreciated the entire crew of the Beachfront. From the moment I met them via our video conference call, I knew they would be a great fit for our family. Words cannot express how friendly and caring they were the whole time. I felt as though they went above and beyond for us at every turn. I think we literally used every toy and amenity on the yacht and had the best time doing so. Brian was incredible from day one. He was extremely professional and personable the entire trip and kept our tribe moving the whole time. There wasn't one time we weren't exploring, swimming, playing, and bonding as a family and he was the one that kept that going. He along with Luke were right there with us the entire time with a drone, GoPro, and a camera taking pictures and video that will last a lifetime for us. The video at the end of the trip was definitely Hollywood worthy and has only been watched ten thousand times by our family. Brian and Luke made sure everything was ready to go at a moments notice and had us traveling in style. Words cannot express how great those two were.
Maryanne and Steph did an outstanding job with the interior. I don't think a drink ever ran dry or a snack ever went empty, which is saying a lot with four cray kids on board. These two amazing people had the boat looking good from top to bottom 100% of the time. It was such a pleasure to return to our room completely made up from top to bottom always sparkling clean. I am a little OCD and to have everything wiped down, clean, pressed, and smelling good is what a real vacation is to me. We noticed everything they did and want to make sure that part of the trip doesn't go unmentioned. The table settings and themes were so carefully crafted and festive that even our kids would get up early to see how the table was set or jump off the tender as quickly as they could to be the first one to see what the theme was that night. We couldn't have had a better team to take care of us.
Martin was outstanding to say the least. He was so accommodating with eight people that all wanted a little something different. I would say the only complaint we had with the food is that we are all about ten pounds heavier now, which is a good problem to have! He along with everyone on board nailed Thanksgiving dinner. Words cannot express how grateful we are for the amazing food, company, and ambiance that was done to accommodate a special tradition we hold dear. We were all a little nervous as to how Thanksgiving would go and not only did it meet our expectations but it is going to be hard to do anything but this now every Thanksgiving. I also want to point out that the birthday cake was beyond incredible. I couldn't believe how great the cake not only looked but tasted. Martin truly is an artist and the trip would not have been the same without him.
Overall I cannot thank you or the crew enough. Our kids were literally in tears in the car on the way home from the boat, and not just from the amazing experience we had just had, but because of the friendship and love they had for the people that made it happen. Thank you for making this once in a lifetime trip so memorable. I cannot wait to do it again.

How was your experience working with Captain Brian? He was great, communicated well before, after and throughout the charter. Made it all very easy.
How was your clients overall experience with the yacht? They loved it, had no complaints
How was your clients experience with the crew? They were great. We had a zoom meeting with the client and all of them made themselves available for this which made a huge difference.
How was your experience working with the CA? Easy, with quick response to emails and texts.
Would you recommend Beachfront in the future? Yes!



I hope you are well! I wanted to touch base as I asked my client to provide feedback for their amazing BEACHFRONT charter. She is OK if youd like to use it for future reference and of course I am happy as well. Please see her comments:

It was wonderful!! We could not have had a better time!! The crew and chef were over the top. Every day was a delightful experience, thanks to the crew and the chef!!

This cruise was 5 star in every category!! The captain, crew and chef were amazing!! The food was gourmet and beautiful!! They had a different theme each night for dinner! The yacht was immaculate. The trip far exceeded our expectations!! Many thanks for finding it for us!!

All my best

Hi Guys!

I finally was able to get a hold of Mr. X
Here is a quote from my conversation with CG (use just initials if you want to publish his comments anywhere).

It was the best trip of my life and we are looking forward to returning to BEACHFRONT for another charter soon. My only complaint is that the trip wasnt longer.

Sweet! Thanks for knocking it out of the park. He has a large extended family who charter and also told me to expect a call from a friend of his. If BEACHFRONT fits any of their parameters, Ill send them your way.

Heres to future charters!

Smooth Seas,

Hi Rod,

I just received this feedback from the charter guests:

The boat and Charter were great , really great !!!!

What else made is so special was the crew . Captain and the whole gang where a blast and a complete pleasure .

Job well done, we Loved it.

A big Thank You to the crew for taking such great care of the guests.

Dear Rod and Captain Titou,

Just got a very brief text from ------------ who must be sitting at the airport in Nassau:


Just finished up a lovely week! Thank you for you're assistance. Beachfront and her crew were perfect!

Thanks gentlemen, for a wonderful holiday for -------- and friends, Ill pass along the good word to the rest of the team as well ; ) Particularly good as he was an ex-charter yacht Owner I was a bit worried that nothing would of course be as good as HIS Old boat, ha ha! Well done!

Have a great weekend!

Kind regards, | (800)382-9666 | (941)966-9387